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Presented by UST Gang Gang with all heart and passion

Gary Lam | Ada KongDon Ho  | Callum Tam | Jay Tam | Ryan Chan

USeat: Text

What is USeaT ?


Smart Dining App for HKUST

USeaT is a mobile application designed to provide a hassle-free dining experience in HKUST. With the real-time information on the app, users can recognize the queuing time and how packed it is the restaurants are before reaching there in person. This helps people to save time and decide where to dine. 

USeat: Products

Where did it start? 


Our group constructed 10 semi-structured interviews on what users of campus think need to be “intelligent” and what improvement would they suggest

Catering - 30%

- Add a catering function to USThing 

- Remotely order food 

- Show available seats and approximate waiting time

Sports - 10%


Transportation -20%

- Develop a shuttle bus tracking app 

- Display queueing status somewhere on campus  

Others -20%

- Make a better path advisor 

- Smarter toilets 

- Develop a social app that is dedicated to HKUST students  

Academic - 20%

- Allow library seat booking online 

- Upgrade the UST portal 

Satisfied with currant approach 

Yes - 10%

No -90%



Based on the need-finding, we summarise the need to be more intelligent on campus. A dining app will be designed and prototyped.

rs=w_984,h_533 (3).webp


rs=w_984,h_810 (1).jfif


Students and staffs need to finish their meal within a controllable time

Students and staffs want to spend their lunchtime efficiently

Students and staffs want to find the available or favorite canteen quickly

Students and staffs want to find out places for gathering easily

Restaurant operators want to do better estimation on their preparation work before peak hours

Restaurant operators want to fulfil customers’ orders as soon as possible









Comments received from interviewees

Just use personal items to occupy seats - dangerous to themselves while inconsiderate to others

Just avoid peak hour - but that forces students to change their habits (and may not be feasible for staff!)

Difficult to find seats even when knowing there are seats left + “I just want to go to that canteen!” - seat booking

We need an expectable, perhaps faster time for getting the food (for taking away) - pre-order function

App design

All these idea came up with the smart dining application -  USeaT

User Interface design
App Features
Participation & Reflection

This is my first time running the whole product design procedures systematically with my groupmates and I enjoyed it. I was responsible to combine the ideation and construct the storyline in this project. What I heard most in this course is about thinking from a user perspective. However, do we really understand them well? Obviously, it is hard to look outside when diving in. Neglecting the advantages themselves, I would say that thinking straightforward would sometimes result in overlooking the needs of people. I realize that a good design came from users and it affects the "accuracy" of whether it is fulfilling the expectations of groups of people. Visualizing their needs and formulating the solution for further verification is my role in this project. In this case, helping them make reservations to skip the queuing time may not be the best choice for both restaurants and students for no guarantee. Instead, recommending a time slot with fewer people/help ordering food would be more suitable and applicable.

I would like to thank all of our teammates. They were highly motivated and innovative to come up with a final solution smoothly. Their UI design is beautiful and the idea is great. We are all looking forward to further applying our knowledge in the next project.


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